Erosion Control Systems
Erosion Control Systems specializes in the installation and repair of geosynthetic liner and fabric-formed concrete. We can supply, install, repair, and offer TSR (Technical Service Representation) for geosynthetic products.
We do all types of liner welding - from hot wedge and extrusion to solvent and hot air. We can also sew or heat seam most types of fabrics and repair many types of liners.
Erosion Control Systems is also a distributor and installer for all types of erosion control products. If you don’t see what you are looking for, just give us a call!

Wide Usage
Our products are used in various environmental protection and esthetic value applications - irrigation ponds for golf courses, fish hatcheries, retention ponds, potable water lagoons, and sewage treatment ponds, to name a few.
Flexible Geomembrane Liners
Erosion Control Systems specializes in the installation and repair of flexible geomembrane liners. Geomembranes are impermeable geosynthetics that, until recently, were mainly used as canal and pond liners.
However, modern technology has broadened liner applications to include wastewater treatment lagoons, oil and gas exploration (including hydraulic fracturing or “fracking”), aquaculture, irrigation ponds, and remediation.